Saturday, March 19, 2011

Monday March 21

1. What does it mean vocabulary warm-up. Figure out what these words mean. You can use pictures, words, videos or whatever it takes. Post on your blogger and pick one person to post on Edmodo
  • vortex
  • supercell
  • Jet stream
2. Edomodo Updates, leave comments or questions for the group -

3. Do bigger things weigh more than little things.
  • First, write that question on your blog
  • Take 5 minutes or so to write an answer with good grammar.
  • Use what materials we have to prove your point
  • Prepare an argument to present to your classmates at the end
4. Global Education Project : compose the list of questions you would like to know about education, share and use from each other.

5. Destination Math - complete assignments, take a test, or schedule Mr. Randy Time

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